Sunday, November 30, 2014

Just in case

While walking on the street, have you seen a lonely red fire hydrant standing alone? Did you ever wonder, “Why is the lonely red fire hydrant standing alone there?” Well, it is there for just in case. It is there to provide water, just in case there is a fire. It is standing ready always, just in case. 

Do you realize that the Bible says we too must be ready always for just in case? “Ready for what?” you may ask. The Bible says we must be ready to tell people about our faith, just in case they ask us about it. That means, we really have to know our faith very well. And, we can do that by spending time with God. So, let's stand ready always as well to tell people about our faith, for just in case. 

“Always be ready to give answers to people who ask about your faith” 
(1 Peter 3:15, Paraphrase).

Picture taken from

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