Sunday, November 30, 2014

Real Faith

Do you know what faith is? Faith is “believing” in something. Watch this video, and see how this young girl was able to make the bold move and jump off the cliff!

Wow, that looked pretty scary! So, how was it that this brave girl was able to jump off the cliff? Well, she believed in the words of her teachers! Her teachers said, “It is going to be ok! You will be fine!” She believed their words and courageously jumped off the cliff! YAY!

Now do you know what REAL FAITH is? REAL FAITH is “believing” in whatever God says to be true. For example, in the times of Genesis, God told Noah to build an ark in the desert, because God said it’s going to rain for 40 days! Even though everyone laughed at Noah for building an ark in the desert, Noah built it. Because he believed that God’s words are always true. So, real faith is believing in whatever God says to be true.

What is God saying to you today? Can you show real faith by believing in His words? You can do it!

"Noah believed in God's words, even though he was not sure about it!" 
(Hebrews 11:7, Paraphrase)
Picture taken from

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