Friday, December 19, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

1 + 1 = ?

Do you know what 1 + 1 is? You might say, "Duh! It's so obvious! It's 2!" But, what if I ask, "How do you know whether 1 + 1 was 3 long time ago. And, how do you know whether 1 + 1 will change to 100 in the future?" Ok, I will stop being silly. You are right. 1 + 1 is always 2. It was so long time ago, and it will be so, in the future as well.

Do you realize in this life there are things that never change? Just as 1 + 1 is "always" 2, God says His words are "always" true as well. That means God's words were true 1000 years ago. And, His words will be true 1000 years from now on as well. Although everything around us may change, God's words never change. They are true all the time. So, we can trust in them.

"Every word of God proves true..." (Proverbs 30:5, NLT).


Rabbit and Turtle

Do you remember the story of Rabbit and Turtle? One day, they decided to see who is faster. Remember the story? Here, you can review it.

What an amazing turtle. Although he was slow, he did not give up and won the race! And, 2000 years ago, Jesus went through a similiar but more difficult race. Jesus came to the world to run the race to the cross. But, he was not running to win a wonderful prize, but to lose. In fact, Jesus was running to die and to lose everything. Some told him to give it up. Some told him to take a easier path. Neverthless, Jesus stayed on the course and endured the race. Why did he do this? He did it, because he loved you.

"...For the joy set before him he enudred the cross..." (Hebrews 12:2, NIV). 



Did you ever try unlocking a door with a key? Do you know how many kinds of keys can be used to unlock a door? Only one kind. Otherwise, the thieves will break in.

Do you know what's the key that unlocks the heaven's door? The Bible says, it's Jesus. He is the key to the heaven's door. Jesus says there's no other kind. 

"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one come to the Father except through me'" (John 14:6). 


Monday, December 15, 2014


Will you be happy if you stopped growing? "Of course not!" you would probably say. You see, we all want you to grow. We want you to grow stronger, taller, and healthier every day. No one will be happy if you stopped growing.

And, God says He wants us to grow spiritually as well. Every day, God wants us grow stronger in our faith and closer in our relationship with Him. He would not be happy if we stop growing in Him. So, how do we grow spiritually every day? Well, we grow in God every time we spend time with Him. So, are you growing spiritually today? Go and spend some time with Him.

"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man" (Luke 2:52). 



When you wear shirts in the morning, did you ever misplace the top button into a wrong hole? You see, when we misplace the top button wrong, no matter what we do, we will end up misplacing all the buttons downward. So, when we button up the shirt, it's very important that we start right.

And, do you realize what's the best way to start your day? Well, Jesus always started his day with God in prayer. Because Jesus knew that starting a day with God would give him strength to stay strong throughout the day. So, when you wake up in the morning, before you rush to eat breakfast or button up the shirt, open a short prayer to God. He will give you strength to stay strong for the day.

"Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray" (Mark 1:35, NLT). 



Have you climbed the mountain before? Do you remember what it was like? Probably, the first few hours were very painful. You may have said, "Ah, why am I doing this? This is so painful." BUT, do you remember how it felt like when you got to the top? You see, climbing up the mountain is very hard. The first few hours seem very painful. But, everything makes sense when we get to the top and see the great view!

Sometimes, in our lives, we may go through hard times. We may say, "Ah, why am I doing this right now? This is so painful." But, do you realize God is using those times to shape your character and prepare you for something greater? So, when you go through hard times. Just hang in there. Soon, you will reach the top and understand everything.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him..." 
(Romans 8:28, NIV). 


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