Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Rabbit and Turtle

Do you remember the story of Rabbit and Turtle? One day, they decided to see who is faster. Remember the story? Here, you can review it.

What an amazing turtle. Although he was slow, he did not give up and won the race! And, 2000 years ago, Jesus went through a similiar but more difficult race. Jesus came to the world to run the race to the cross. But, he was not running to win a wonderful prize, but to lose. In fact, Jesus was running to die and to lose everything. Some told him to give it up. Some told him to take a easier path. Neverthless, Jesus stayed on the course and endured the race. Why did he do this? He did it, because he loved you.

"...For the joy set before him he enudred the cross..." (Hebrews 12:2, NIV). 


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