Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Have you seen a lighthouse on the seashore? You know what the lighthouse does? It gives the light to the ships at night. At times, when ships are on the ocean, it's easy for them to get lost. So, the lighthouse gives them the light, so the ships may know where to go.

And, we too at times get lost in this life. In the darkness, we do not know where to turn to. So, we too need the lighthouse to point us to the right direction. Do you know what's the lighthouse for us? It is God's words. The Bible says, God's words shine in our lives, so we may know where to go in this life. So, when you get lost, open the Bible and start reading it. Soon, God's words will shine through your way.

"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path" 
(Psalm 119:105, NLT). 


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