Wednesday, December 3, 2014


When the weather gets really cold, what happens to the water outside? It freezes that it becomes ice! But, do you realize ice can be quite dangerous? When people slip on it, they can fall. You see, ice can hurt people.

Do you know what happens, when our hearts get cold? You see, sometimes our hearts can get cold with bitterness, anger, hatred, and jealousy. When that happens, our hearts start freezing. And, the frozen heart can be quite dangerous. Because frozen heart can make you say things or do things that will hurt people.

So, how does the ice get melted? It melts when the sun shines upon it. So, how do we make our frozen hearts melt? We can melt it by letting God's love shine upon our hearts. His amazing love will warm up our hearts.

"Get rid of all bitterness, anger, hatred, and jealousy..." (Ephesians 4:31, Paraphrase).


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