Monday, December 1, 2014

Short Pencil

Have you ever seen a short pencil? What can a short pencil do? They are so short! But, do you actually realize when even this short pencil is picked up and used by a great writer, it can write great stories? Or, if the short pencil is picked up and used by a great artist, then it can make a great drawing! All the pencil has to do is let the writer or artist use it!

Have you ever thought, “Man, I am too short! I am not smart! So, I am useless for anything?” Although you may have thought like that, God thinks differently. Because just as a short pencil can be used to write great stories and make great drawings, God too can use you to do great things! All you have to do is just tell God: “Here I am, please use me!”

“Yield yourself to God as tools for righteousness” (Romans 6:13, Paraphrase). 


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