Thursday, December 4, 2014


Have you seen a perfect Christian? The one who never gets angry, never gets sad, always happy, and always thankful? The one who never does wrong? The Bible says, there is a no “perfect” Christian. Instead, we are all “growing” Christians. No one is perfect in this world. Yes, even your parents, and even your teachers! We are all “growing” Christians.

Have you read the story, “the OK book?” If you haven’t read it, here you can watch it:

What did the boy say later in the book? He said, “One day, I’ll grow up to be really excellent at something!” The boy believed that One Day he will be good at something. You know what God says to us? He says that although we are not perfect Christians right now, ONE DAY He will give us new bodies, so that we will become perfect Christians. That means, in that day, we will no longer struggle with sins, but have a complete victory over them! How Exciting!

So, when you see that you are not a “perfect” Christian, don’t be disappointed. It’s OK. For now, just enjoy your every day with God. Let God teach you new things every day, and have fun with Him. And, One Day, God will help you figure out everything. For now, it's ok.

“Listen, I tell you a mystery…. We will all be changed. We will have new bodies and have complete victory over our sins!” (1 Corinthians 15:51-56, Paraphrase). 

Amy Rosenthal, and Tom Lichtenheld, The OK book, (Harper Collins Publishers: 2010).

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