Saturday, December 6, 2014


Have you seen the Moon at night? Do you know how the Moon shines? You see, the Moon shines by reflecting the Sun's light into the earth. In other words, the Sun gives light to the Moon. And, the Moon shines that light back to the earth! So, the Moon cannot shine on its own! But, what if one day the Moon started saying, "Look at me! I am so bright! Surely, we don't need the Sun!" We would say, "Don't be silly Moon. You shine only because Sun gives you light! Don't be proud!"

Sometimes in our lives we say things like, "Oh, look at me! How smart I am! How strong I am! How fast I am!" In other words, we like to say things that will make us feel proud. But, do you realize who gives us wisdom, so we can be smart? Do you realize who gives us strength, so we can be strong? Do you realize who makes us fast, so we can be fast? It is God. So, just as the Moon should not be proud of its own light, we should not be too proud of ourselves either. Because it is God who makes us successful in our lives. So, next time, when you are tempted to be proud, instead remember God and give Him THANKS!

"...God opposes the proud but favors the humble" (James 4:6, NLT).

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