Friday, December 5, 2014

Speed Limit

Do you like rules? Don't do this. Don't do that? While on the road, have you seen a speed limit sign like on the picture? Speed limit tells cars not to go beyond the speed limit written on the sign. You see, cars may complain that the speed sign slows them down. But, we know that the speed limit is there for cars' safety and our safety as well!

Sometimes, we may think that God's words are full of rules that we don't like. We may complain that God's rules are limiting our freedom and making us live a bored life. But, this is not true. Just as the speed limit sign is meant for our safety, God's words are meant for our life. God's words give us life!

"These instructions are not empty words--they are your life! 
By obeying them you will enjoy a long life..." (Deuteronomy 32:47, NLT). 


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