Wednesday, December 3, 2014

God's Creations

Does an apple tree ever say, "I am going to make grapes?" Does a grape tree ever say, "I am going to make apples?" Do trees ever say, "You know what I am tired of living in mountains. I am moving to sea?" Does the Sun ever say, "I am so hot! I am going to stop shining?" Does the earth ever say, "I am bored of spinning. I am going to jump?" You see, these things would never happen. Because God told apple trees, "You make apples," grape trees, "You make grapes," Sun, "You keep shining," earth, "You keep spinning." So, all of God's creations obey God and listen to Him.

And, the Bible says, he told people, "Love me." And, we said, "No!" So, what about you? Do you obey God? Do you love Him? Surely, we can learn from trees, sun, earth, and all of God's creations.

"Hear, O my children...Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, and strength" 
(Deut. 6:4-5)

apple tree:

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