Saturday, December 6, 2014


There once was a man who was very lonely. So, he said to himself, "Since I am so lonely, I am going to make a robot! And, he is going to say, 'I love you,' every day. And, I am going to be happy!" So, the man made a robot. And, every day, whenever the man was lonely, he pressed the button, and the robot said, "I love you." Do you think this robot made the man happy?

You see, the problem is that the robot does not have the heart! That means he does not have emotion! So, whatever the robot says is fake words, since it is not from the heart! Sometimes, that's how we worship God. We go to church on Sunday, and we sing songs! But, we can do that without our hearts. God says, "Don't just worship me by going to the church and singing to me. I want your heat! Please worship me from your heart!" So, next time, when you are about to tell God, "I love you," make sure it's from your heart.

"Love the LORD your God with all your heart..." (Deuteronomy 6:5, NIV).


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