Friday, December 19, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

1 + 1 = ?

Do you know what 1 + 1 is? You might say, "Duh! It's so obvious! It's 2!" But, what if I ask, "How do you know whether 1 + 1 was 3 long time ago. And, how do you know whether 1 + 1 will change to 100 in the future?" Ok, I will stop being silly. You are right. 1 + 1 is always 2. It was so long time ago, and it will be so, in the future as well.

Do you realize in this life there are things that never change? Just as 1 + 1 is "always" 2, God says His words are "always" true as well. That means God's words were true 1000 years ago. And, His words will be true 1000 years from now on as well. Although everything around us may change, God's words never change. They are true all the time. So, we can trust in them.

"Every word of God proves true..." (Proverbs 30:5, NLT).


Rabbit and Turtle

Do you remember the story of Rabbit and Turtle? One day, they decided to see who is faster. Remember the story? Here, you can review it.

What an amazing turtle. Although he was slow, he did not give up and won the race! And, 2000 years ago, Jesus went through a similiar but more difficult race. Jesus came to the world to run the race to the cross. But, he was not running to win a wonderful prize, but to lose. In fact, Jesus was running to die and to lose everything. Some told him to give it up. Some told him to take a easier path. Neverthless, Jesus stayed on the course and endured the race. Why did he do this? He did it, because he loved you.

"...For the joy set before him he enudred the cross..." (Hebrews 12:2, NIV). 



Did you ever try unlocking a door with a key? Do you know how many kinds of keys can be used to unlock a door? Only one kind. Otherwise, the thieves will break in.

Do you know what's the key that unlocks the heaven's door? The Bible says, it's Jesus. He is the key to the heaven's door. Jesus says there's no other kind. 

"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one come to the Father except through me'" (John 14:6). 


Monday, December 15, 2014


Will you be happy if you stopped growing? "Of course not!" you would probably say. You see, we all want you to grow. We want you to grow stronger, taller, and healthier every day. No one will be happy if you stopped growing.

And, God says He wants us to grow spiritually as well. Every day, God wants us grow stronger in our faith and closer in our relationship with Him. He would not be happy if we stop growing in Him. So, how do we grow spiritually every day? Well, we grow in God every time we spend time with Him. So, are you growing spiritually today? Go and spend some time with Him.

"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man" (Luke 2:52). 



When you wear shirts in the morning, did you ever misplace the top button into a wrong hole? You see, when we misplace the top button wrong, no matter what we do, we will end up misplacing all the buttons downward. So, when we button up the shirt, it's very important that we start right.

And, do you realize what's the best way to start your day? Well, Jesus always started his day with God in prayer. Because Jesus knew that starting a day with God would give him strength to stay strong throughout the day. So, when you wake up in the morning, before you rush to eat breakfast or button up the shirt, open a short prayer to God. He will give you strength to stay strong for the day.

"Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray" (Mark 1:35, NLT). 



Have you climbed the mountain before? Do you remember what it was like? Probably, the first few hours were very painful. You may have said, "Ah, why am I doing this? This is so painful." BUT, do you remember how it felt like when you got to the top? You see, climbing up the mountain is very hard. The first few hours seem very painful. But, everything makes sense when we get to the top and see the great view!

Sometimes, in our lives, we may go through hard times. We may say, "Ah, why am I doing this right now? This is so painful." But, do you realize God is using those times to shape your character and prepare you for something greater? So, when you go through hard times. Just hang in there. Soon, you will reach the top and understand everything.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him..." 
(Romans 8:28, NIV). 



"Ah, I am so worried. I don't know what to eat for dinner... What do I do?" Did you ever hear a bird say that? You see, even though the birds have no home and no refrigerator to keep their foods, they are not worried at all about anything in this life! Because they know God takes care of them. And, God says you are more precious than the birds. That means God loves you more than he loves the birds. So, if God feeds and takes care of the birds, will He not take care of you? So, why worry any more?

"So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What shall we eat? what will we drink? what will we wear?'" (Matthew 6:31, NLT).


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ~~~~

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12... 1000, 1001..." Do you know how many hairs do you have? Have you tried to count them? You see, counting the number of our hairs will take forever! But, the Bible says, God knows the exact number of hairs on our heads, even without counting. That means, God knows everything about us, even very small things. So, we don't need to worry about anything in this life. When we become worried, we can simply pray to God. He knows everything about us.

"And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid..." 
(Luke 12:7, NLT).


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Little Red Riding Hood

Have you listened to the story, "Little Red Riding Hood?" If you have forgotten the story, no worries, you can watch here:

What an interesting story! In the story, the bad thing came because the girl listened to the wolf's voice, not her mom's. You see, in our lives, it's very important that we listen to the right voice! Because in this life, there are so many voices that are trying to distract us. So, if we are not careful, we can be led astray, just as little red riding hood did. So, whose voice do we listen to? And, whose voice do we follow? Well, Jesus says,

"My sheep listen to my voice...and they follow me" (John 10:27, NIV).



Have you seen a sponge? Have you tried dropping a sponge into a bucket of water, while squeezing tightly onto it? You see, when you hold tightly onto the sponge, even though it's in the water, it won't get wet. It is only when you start releasing your grip on it, the sponge starts drawing water into itself.

And, sometimes this is what we do with our own lives. We hold our lives tightly into our own hands. That means we try to control our lives on our own, telling God, "God I don't need you." But, the Bible says, when we are trying to hold our lives tightly into our own hands,  God cannot help us. Because He cannot come into our lives. It's only when we start releasing the hold, and tell God, "God, I let go of control of my own life." That's when God starts to come and help us, so that we can be used for Him. Are you trying to control your life on your own hand? It's time to let it go...

"....Be filled with the Holy Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18)

Illustration adopted from Billie Hanks, A Call to Joy: Discipler's Guide (International Evangelism Association), 205.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Picture in your mind for a moment the gift that you really want to receive. And, one day, maybe on your birthday, your parents said you, "Here's the gift that you really wanted to have! You can have it." So, what do you need to do, when your parents say that to you? See, just because they said, "Here's your gift," it doesn't mean that it's yours, until you actually receive it from them! You have to go to your parents, say "Thank you," and receive the gift for yourself.

Do you realize God wants to give us the BEST GIFT ever in our lives? That BEST GIFT is Jesus Christ. By believing in Jesus Christ, we can have wonderful everlasting forever love relationship with God! God says, "I want to give this BEST GIFT to you for free." Would you receive it? Again, it's free.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16, NIV).

Illustration adopted from Billie Hanks, A Call to Joy: Discipler's Guide (International Evangelism Association), 198.


Have you been so thirsty after playing or running that you wanted a drink right away? So, let's say you were so thirsty, and you saw a cup of ice lemonade. You grabbed it and you were about to drink from it. Right then, you heard your mom say, "Son, before you drink that water, let me tell you that I dropped one tiny small little drop of toilet water into it. Just one drop. No big deal."

Sometimes, we say in our lives, "You know what? Just one tiny little small sin is not bad. Not loving God just this one time? It's not a big deal." But, the Bible says God is holy. That means, God is so pure that even just one tiny little small sin can make him sad. So, next time, you are about to do something that will make God sad, remember that even one tiny sin can make Him not happy.

"Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty" (Isaiah 6:3).


Have you ever been distracted before? Maybe you were working on your homework so hard. And then all of sudden, you heard your brother exclaim, "ICECREAM!" You know what this is called? The voice of distraction!

One time, Peter saw Jesus walking on the water. So amazed, Peter shouted, "Jesus! Can I walk on the water too? I want to try!" "Come," replied Jesus. Right then, Peter started walking on the water. He was doing very fine, until he saw the waves and winds around him. Then, Peter became afraid. And, he began sinking. "Jesus! Save me!" cried out Peter. Of course, loving Jesus came for help, and Peter was safe.

Do you know why Peter began sinking? You see, Peter was doing fine as long as he was looking at Jesus. But, the moment he saw the winds, he was distracted! And, that's when he started falling! You see, in our lives, as long as we trust Jesus, everything will be fine. Even the waves and winds cannot make us fall. But, it's when we start getting distracted, we become afraid and start falling. So, when distractions come around you to make you see the waves and winds, don't be distracted. Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ.

"Immediately Jesus saved him. 'You have so little faith.' Jesus said, 'Why did you doubt'" 
(Matthew 14:31, Paraphrase).



Do you know why God made you? The Bible says God made you in His likeness. Do you know what that means?

Think of animals for a second. Can they talk? Can they think? Can they read? You see, animals can't do these things. But, we can, because we are made in God's likeness. That means, we can talk to God through prayer. We can think about God by loving Him. And, we can read and learn about God through the Bible. So, this is why God made you in His likeness, so that you can have relationship with Him. He made you, so that God can love you, and you can love Him.

"God created us in His likeness" (Genesis 1:27, Paraphrase).


"Home." What comes to your mind when you think of your home? You see, home is where we feel warm, restful, and protected. It's a wonderful place to be at home.

Do you realize the Bible speaks of a better home? Once Jesus told his disciples that he is going to prepare a home for them. "There," Jesus said, "You will have a wonderful rest, greatest fun, and unspeakable joy!" Most amazingly, at Jesus' home, we will see God's face and get to worship Him! Wouldn't you want to be at his home? Well, Jesus says he would love to invite you to his heavenly home. All you have to receive the free gift. Free gift? Don't know what that is? Click here.

"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am" (John 14:3, NIV). 


Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Have you seen a lighthouse on the seashore? You know what the lighthouse does? It gives the light to the ships at night. At times, when ships are on the ocean, it's easy for them to get lost. So, the lighthouse gives them the light, so the ships may know where to go.

And, we too at times get lost in this life. In the darkness, we do not know where to turn to. So, we too need the lighthouse to point us to the right direction. Do you know what's the lighthouse for us? It is God's words. The Bible says, God's words shine in our lives, so we may know where to go in this life. So, when you get lost, open the Bible and start reading it. Soon, God's words will shine through your way.

"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path" 
(Psalm 119:105, NLT). 



Have you seen a bridge? Do you know what the bridge does? It connects the gap from one side to the other, so that people or cars can go across. Do you realize we too had a big gap with God? In other words, because of our sins, it was impossible for us to go to God, or for God to come to us. Do you know who closed the gap for us? Jesus did. When he died on the cross for our sins, he became the bridge for us.  And, do you know how we cross this bridge? By trusting Jesus.

"For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity--the man Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 2:5, NLT). 


Monday, December 8, 2014

Lion & Mosquito

Once there was a missionary in Africa. While he was travelling there, one day he found himself being chased by the ferocious lion! Desperate for help, the man ran as fast as he could to the point he ran out of breath and couldn't run any more. Gasping for breath, the man cried out, “God! Please Help Me!” Right then, the lion passed over him, chasing after the gazelle. “Oh, Thank you God,” the man prayed.

But, then at night, as the man tried to sleep in the tent, he was bothered by the mosquitoes. He tried to chase them away, but to no avail. So, the man ended up staying up all night through. Frustrated, the man began reading the Bible in the morning. Then, all of sudden, he heard God say to him, “You prayed to me yesterday when you were in a big trouble with the lion. But, why did you not pray to me, when you were annoyed by the mosquitoes?”

You see, in our lives, when we get into big troubles, we cry out to God. We say, “God, help us.” But, when things seem easy in our lives, we often forget to pray. But, do you realize God wants us to pray for both the big and small things? In fact, God wants us to pray for everything, not just for the big things.

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything..." (Philippians 4:6, NLT).

Illustration from Billie Hanks, A Call to Joy: Discipler's Guide (International Evangelism Association), 202.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Do you know what the church is? Is it a building that we go to? Is it the pastor that we listen to? Is it the place where we sing and dance? You know, all these things are what we do at the church, but they are not actually the church!

Do you know what the Bible says the church is? It says,

"You are the church!" (1 Corinthians 12:27, Paraphrase).

Yes, the Bible says, "You are the church!" That means, church is not a building. But, every time you love God and shine God's light into the world, you are being the church! So, when you bring hope to the people around you, that's when you are being.... the Church! 


Saturday, December 6, 2014


Let me give you a quiz. Think for a minute before you see the answer. Do you know who is wiser than God? Do you know who is stronger than God? Do you know what is better than God? Do you know what is greater than God?

Any Idea....?

Have your mouse drag over the white box.

No one. Nobody, Nothing. None

"I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God" 
(Isaiah 45:5, NIV).



There once was a man who was very lonely. So, he said to himself, "Since I am so lonely, I am going to make a robot! And, he is going to say, 'I love you,' every day. And, I am going to be happy!" So, the man made a robot. And, every day, whenever the man was lonely, he pressed the button, and the robot said, "I love you." Do you think this robot made the man happy?

You see, the problem is that the robot does not have the heart! That means he does not have emotion! So, whatever the robot says is fake words, since it is not from the heart! Sometimes, that's how we worship God. We go to church on Sunday, and we sing songs! But, we can do that without our hearts. God says, "Don't just worship me by going to the church and singing to me. I want your heat! Please worship me from your heart!" So, next time, when you are about to tell God, "I love you," make sure it's from your heart.

"Love the LORD your God with all your heart..." (Deuteronomy 6:5, NIV).



Have you seen the Moon at night? Do you know how the Moon shines? You see, the Moon shines by reflecting the Sun's light into the earth. In other words, the Sun gives light to the Moon. And, the Moon shines that light back to the earth! So, the Moon cannot shine on its own! But, what if one day the Moon started saying, "Look at me! I am so bright! Surely, we don't need the Sun!" We would say, "Don't be silly Moon. You shine only because Sun gives you light! Don't be proud!"

Sometimes in our lives we say things like, "Oh, look at me! How smart I am! How strong I am! How fast I am!" In other words, we like to say things that will make us feel proud. But, do you realize who gives us wisdom, so we can be smart? Do you realize who gives us strength, so we can be strong? Do you realize who makes us fast, so we can be fast? It is God. So, just as the Moon should not be proud of its own light, we should not be too proud of ourselves either. Because it is God who makes us successful in our lives. So, next time, when you are tempted to be proud, instead remember God and give Him THANKS!

"...God opposes the proud but favors the humble" (James 4:6, NLT).

Friday, December 5, 2014

Speed Limit

Do you like rules? Don't do this. Don't do that? While on the road, have you seen a speed limit sign like on the picture? Speed limit tells cars not to go beyond the speed limit written on the sign. You see, cars may complain that the speed sign slows them down. But, we know that the speed limit is there for cars' safety and our safety as well!

Sometimes, we may think that God's words are full of rules that we don't like. We may complain that God's rules are limiting our freedom and making us live a bored life. But, this is not true. Just as the speed limit sign is meant for our safety, God's words are meant for our life. God's words give us life!

"These instructions are not empty words--they are your life! 
By obeying them you will enjoy a long life..." (Deuteronomy 32:47, NLT). 


Ear Phone

Have you seen earphones before? Have you used them before? You see, we use earphones, when we want to listen to music or something with no distraction. Earphone helps us shut off all distracting noises, so we can enjoy the music we like.

Do you realize sometimes that's what we exactly need to do, to listen to God? You see, when there are so many distracting noises around us, it becomes hard for us to focus on what God is telling us. So, we too need to wear God's earphone to shut off distracting noises and give him our undivided ears. So, what is God's earphone? Well, it's called "Prayer Phone."

Don't know what prayer phone is? Click here.

"I will listen to what God the LORD says..." (Psalm 85:8, NIV). 


Have you seen a horse run? They are very fast and strong animals. Watch how the horse runs:

Isn't it amazing how the horse runs? Full of vigor! Full of strength! Unstoppable! But, do you know what God said about horses in the Bible? In the Old Testament times, God told His people not to have many horses? The reason? God knew that horses were strong animals. So, once people start having many horses, God knew that they would no longer trust Him. That's why God told people not to have many horses, lest they do not trust Him anymore.

What is your horse? Something that makes you not trust God? For some people, they think if they have money, they don't have to trust God. Other people think if they have popularity, they don't need to trust God. For you, what is your horse? Remember God wants you to trust Him alone!

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God” 
(Psalm 20:7, NIV). 


Thursday, December 4, 2014


Have you seen a perfect Christian? The one who never gets angry, never gets sad, always happy, and always thankful? The one who never does wrong? The Bible says, there is a no “perfect” Christian. Instead, we are all “growing” Christians. No one is perfect in this world. Yes, even your parents, and even your teachers! We are all “growing” Christians.

Have you read the story, “the OK book?” If you haven’t read it, here you can watch it:

What did the boy say later in the book? He said, “One day, I’ll grow up to be really excellent at something!” The boy believed that One Day he will be good at something. You know what God says to us? He says that although we are not perfect Christians right now, ONE DAY He will give us new bodies, so that we will become perfect Christians. That means, in that day, we will no longer struggle with sins, but have a complete victory over them! How Exciting!

So, when you see that you are not a “perfect” Christian, don’t be disappointed. It’s OK. For now, just enjoy your every day with God. Let God teach you new things every day, and have fun with Him. And, One Day, God will help you figure out everything. For now, it's ok.

“Listen, I tell you a mystery…. We will all be changed. We will have new bodies and have complete victory over our sins!” (1 Corinthians 15:51-56, Paraphrase). 

Amy Rosenthal, and Tom Lichtenheld, The OK book, (Harper Collins Publishers: 2010).

Power Outlet

What do lamp, refrigerator, microwave, gas oven, and TV all have one thing in common? Any guess? You see, they all need electricity to work! And to have electricity, they all must be connected to the power outlets!

And, the Bible says we too need to be connected to the power outlet. Because we need strength every day to live our lives for God. So, what is our power outlet? Well, for us it is spending time with God. As we spend time with God through His words and prayers, we become connected to Him. And, when we are connected with God, He gives us strength to live for Him. You see, just as lamp, refrigerator, microwave, gas oven, and TV cannot work without electricity, we cannot live, without God. So, make sure you are connected with God.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5, NIV). 



When your hands, or body is wet after washing with water, what do you do to make yourselves dry? You use towels! What towels do is so amazing. They absorb all the water on our bodies to themselves, so we become dry!

This is sort of like what Jesus did for us on the cross. Once we were fully wet in sins. We were born in sins. Yet, because he loved us, Jesus took all of our sins into himself and died for us. Jesus absorbed all of our sins, so that we may become clean, when we trust in Him. Do you know what this is called? It's called God's grace.

"God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sins, so that we could be made right with God through Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:21). 

Living Water

Have you ever been so thirsty that you wanted water so bad? Do you realize Bible says we need to drink a spiritual water as well? In other words, the Bible says that we all have soul thirsts that can only be quenched by the living water from God.

"What is that living water?" once asked the Samaritan woman. "Well, daughter, I am that living water" replied Jesus. You see, just as we drink water to quench our thirst, we need the living water that will quench our soul thirst. And, that living water is Jesus.

"...whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again" 
(John 4:13). 


Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Do you like Donuts? It’s so delicious! It’s so sweet! But, do you know what is sweeter than donuts? What is sweeter than honey? God's words.

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! 
(Psalm 119:103, NIV).



What do we do with money? We use money to pay the price for the things we want to buy. Some things are cheap. But, other things are very expensive.

Do you realize we were once sold under sins? That means, sin used to be our master! So, just as we pay money to buy things, someone had to pay the price, so that we may be freed from our sins. But, the problem was that this price of our sins was too expensive that we could not afford to pay. So, we were in trouble. But then, do you know who decided to pay that price for us? God did. And, do you know what the payment was? Jesus’ blood.

"...God bought you with a high price..." (1 Corinthians 6:20, NLT).


Coming Soon

Why do bad things happen in our world? Have you ever wondered about that? If God is good, why are some people hungry?

God says, “If everyone in the world obeyed me, there would be no bad things. If everyone loved Me and loved each other, no one will be hungry in this world!” But, God also says, “You know what? I am going to fix all bad things in the world! One day, I am going to come to the world and make it NEW! And, in that world, there will be no more bad things! Because in that world everyone is going to love me and love each other!” God says, ONE DAY He is going to come back and make all bad things go away. So, when is God coming back? God says:

Look, I am 
(Revelation 22:7, NIV)

Green Light

On the roads, have you seen traffic lights? Do cars move in the red light? No. They only move when the light is green! When the light is red, the cars wait. But, when the light is green, the cars move.

Do you realize in our lives, there may be times we too need to wait for God’s green light? In other words, there may be times we may want God to do something right now! For example, you may say, “God, please do this right now!” But, God says, “Wait. The light is red for now. Wait until I turn it to green.” In those times, we should learn to wait upon God, and never move on our own. Wait for God’s Green Light!

"Wait for the LORD; be strong and take and wait for the LORD" (Psalm 27:14).


Eric Liddell

Let me introduce to you a man, Eric Liddell. He was a Scottish athlete who was the fastest 100 meter runner in 1924. So, he was supposed to go to Olympics and run for 100 meter race. But, Eric soon found that the competition was going to be held on Sunday. He had a dilemma, because Sunday was a day he went to church to worship God. So, he told people, "On Sunday, I must honor God. So, I cannot run the race." Even though people told him, "It's ok. Eric. It's just one Sunday. Just run the race and win the gold medal for you, and for our nation!" But, Eric made his mind not to run. Because to Eric, honoring God was more important than the gold medal.

What about you? Do you live your life to honor God? Honoring God means that you are living to show the world that God is the most important one in your life. So, Eric did not run and did not win the gold medal! But, next day, Eric found out that there was another 400 meter race. But, the problem was that Eric was never good with 400 meter race. But, he still ran. And, the result? You have to watch this for yourself.

You see, when we live our lives to honor God, He honors us. God honors us, so that we may tell the world: "God is the most important one in the world!"

"...Those who honor me I will honor..." (1 Samuel 2:30).



When you think of a Rock, what comes to your mind? "Solid, strong, safe, stable, secure " are some of the words that come across our minds. Rock is so solid, it is so strong, it is so stable, that no storm can shake the rock, or shatter it! Rock is strong!

Do you who in the Bible is characterized as rock? In Psalms, David says, "God is my Rock!" That means, our God is super strong God, that when we hide in Him, nothing can shake us. God is our stability, in times of scary storms in our lives. So, when you go through storms of life and get scared, take shelter in Him. For sure, you will be safe!

"The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior" 
(2 Samuel 22:2, NLT). 


God's Creations

Does an apple tree ever say, "I am going to make grapes?" Does a grape tree ever say, "I am going to make apples?" Do trees ever say, "You know what I am tired of living in mountains. I am moving to sea?" Does the Sun ever say, "I am so hot! I am going to stop shining?" Does the earth ever say, "I am bored of spinning. I am going to jump?" You see, these things would never happen. Because God told apple trees, "You make apples," grape trees, "You make grapes," Sun, "You keep shining," earth, "You keep spinning." So, all of God's creations obey God and listen to Him.

And, the Bible says, he told people, "Love me." And, we said, "No!" So, what about you? Do you obey God? Do you love Him? Surely, we can learn from trees, sun, earth, and all of God's creations.

"Hear, O my children...Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, and strength" 
(Deut. 6:4-5)

apple tree:

Pencil Vs. Rubber Band

Pencil Vs. Rubber Band. Which one do you think is stronger? Obviously, a pencil is much more hardened. So, the pencil is definitely much stronger. Now, let's say that the strongest person in the world is going to bend these. What would happen? You see, although the pencil is much hardened object, it will be broken. But, the rubber band? No problem. It will just bend. It's flexible.

Do you realize when our hearts are hardened, it will be broken? Our hearts get hardened when we become stubborn. When we start saying, "I do not trust God. I will do whatever I want to do," that's when our hearts become stubborn and hardened. And, God says such hearts will be broken.

The heart that God wants us to have is a flexible one. The flexible heart says, "God, I trust you for everything. And, I will do anything you ask me to do."  God says He will bless those flexible hearts. So, how is your heart? Is it hardened? Or, is it flexible?

"God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him..." 
(Matthew 5:3, NLT)
Rubber band:

Sharp Edges

Have you ever thought, "What if the car's tires were in triangular shape?" How silly! What would happen if the car's tires were all in triangular shape? You see, cars with triangular tires won't go so far. For triangular tires to be used, their sharp edges must be cut off and rounded!

Do you realize our hearts need to be rounded as well, before God uses us? As long as we have sharp edges in our hearts, God cannot use us! Those sharp edges are our stubbornness that says, "God I don't need you!" God says, we must cut off those sharp edges, so that He can use us. And, we can cut of those sharp edges by saying to God, "God, I trust you for everything!"

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" 
(Proverbs 3:5, NIV).



When the weather gets really cold, what happens to the water outside? It freezes that it becomes ice! But, do you realize ice can be quite dangerous? When people slip on it, they can fall. You see, ice can hurt people.

Do you know what happens, when our hearts get cold? You see, sometimes our hearts can get cold with bitterness, anger, hatred, and jealousy. When that happens, our hearts start freezing. And, the frozen heart can be quite dangerous. Because frozen heart can make you say things or do things that will hurt people.

So, how does the ice get melted? It melts when the sun shines upon it. So, how do we make our frozen hearts melt? We can melt it by letting God's love shine upon our hearts. His amazing love will warm up our hearts.

"Get rid of all bitterness, anger, hatred, and jealousy..." (Ephesians 4:31, Paraphrase).


Dog's Tail

"Wiggle, Wiggle!" Have you seen a dog wiggle its tail? Do you know what that means? Well, that's how a dog talks to you, "I want to be your friend." It's a sign of dog's friendship.

Do you know what the best friendship in the world is? It is the friendship that God showed to us. Even though Jesus Christ was King, and he had everything, he still left his heavenly home and came to the world to be friends with sinners. How do we know this is true? Well, just look at the cross. Cross is a sign of God's friendship to us.

"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor..." (2 Corinthians 8:9, ESV).


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Bamboo Tree

Have you ever seen a bamboo tree? It's a very interesting tree. Because when you plant a bamboo tree seed, nothing happens for 5! years. For 5 years, Bamboo tree shows no sign of growth at all! So, these waiting periods can be very frustrating to those who want to see the tree grow!

Did you ever go through frustrating times? Maybe, you've been studying hard for school, but your grade is no good. Maybe, you've been trying to improve your singing skills, but it was no good. These can be very frustrating times.

But, do you know what happens to the bamboo tree in the 6th year? It grows explosively! It grows to almost 90 feet tall! Now, that is really tall! Way taller than the tallest person in the world! So, what was bamboo tree doing for 5 years? Well, it was growing downward to make its roots strong, so it can grow 90 feet tall in  the 6th year.

Sometimes in our lives, we get frustrated that nothing happens, even though we work hard But, do you realize those times are the times that we grow strong? God uses those times to make us strong. So that, you can grow explosively as well, in God's time!

"Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy" (Psalm 126:5).
Pic from

The Star

"It is the most wonderful time of the year~" Do you know what Christmas is about? Is it about Santa Clause, gifts, lights, family, or something else? What is it about?

To know what Christmas is really about, you only need to look at the Christmas tree. Any clue? Well, what's on the very top of the tree? Star! Yes, the Christmas is about that star! What about that star? You may ask?

Well, the star on the very top of the tree means that Jesus is the Star that shines as the light of the world. In other words, Jesus is the shining star, the Savior, that saves us from our sins. So, this is what Christians is ALL about. It's about the Star that saves the world from sins! In a word, it's about Savior Jesus Christ!

"Wise men asked: 'Where is the king of the Jews. We saw his star..." 
(Matthew 2:2, Paraphrase).


Do you know why  astronauts wear the space clothes, when they go to the space. Because there is no air in the space. And, that means apart from the the earth, human beings cannot live.

And the Bible says we cannot live apart from God. God created us in a way that apart from Him we cannot really live. So, when we are far from God, it becomes hard for us to live. That's why it's important that we stay close to God's heart. There, we are happy forever and ever!

"...for apart from me you can do nothing" 
(John 15:5, ESV).


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